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Colour Care Advice

Colour Care: do’s and don’ts

✔ Ask Stylist for product recommendations.

Colour preserving products are designed to help maintain the longevity and shine of your hair colour, and if you have any questions about which product is going to be best for you, your stylist is happy to help.

✔ Expect your colour to fade.

Whether it’s a permanent or semi-permanent, all hair colour fades.  Although permanent colour pigment will remain in the hair unless it is lifted out, the vibrancy and depth will start to fade after a period of time.

✔ Protect your hair with a  salon quality colour shampoo and conditioner.

Shampoo and conditioner made specifically for colour treated hair not only prevents your fresh colour from fading as quickly, it also nourishes and hydrates the hair to lock in the shine and vibrancy.  There is a difference in the quality of your product from a drug store and a salon.  This includes table salt, used as thickeners, lower quality ingredients, artificial scent’s and smells that linger.  Most salons will guarantee their colour work if they know you are using a salon quality shampoo.

 X  Don’t be afraid of warmth; all hair pulls warmth naturally.

If the hair has been lightened in any way, the hair will initially pull warmth. Toners and pigmented toning shampoos will help to maintain the neutral or ash tones you desire in your hair, but they do require maintenance.

 X  Don’t wash your hair right away; wait at least 48 hours.

Your colour needs time to lock into the hair while the cuticle seals.  Washing it too early after your service can cause the colour to fade much faster.

 X  Don’t feel uncomfortable asking about the price range.

If you don’t want to feel overwhelmed with the cost of home care and maintenance of your hair colour, don’t hesitate to ask your stylist to estimate the price for you.  Between routine touch ups and products specific to preserving the colour, your stylist will give you all your answers.

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